Embassy of Australia
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Also accredited to the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Sultanate of Oman, and the Republic of Yemen

Useful Contacts - Jeddah

Useful Contacts - Jeddah

The Australian Embassy takes no responsibility for the actions, service, performance or fees of the organisations listed. They have been selected randomly with the aim of assisting Australian visitors to Jeddah.

When telephoning from outside Jeddah, use area code (02), except for Emergency Calls.

Emergency Calls

Traffic Accident 993
Ambulance 997
Fire Service 998
Police 999
International Calls 900
Telephone Repair 904
Directory Enquiries 905
Customer Service 907
Speaking Clock 963
New Phone Service 907


Al Maghrabi Eye Hospital 636 5000
Bugshan Hospital 669 1222
Dr M Erfan Hospital 682 0022
King Fahd Military Hospital 665 3000
Dr.Suleiman Fakheeh Hospital 665 5000
GNP Hospital 682 3200
King Abdul Aziz University Hos. 637 5555
King Fahad Hospital 660 6111
New Jeddah Clinic Hospital 667 5888


Intercontinental Hotel 661 1800
Marriot Hotel 671 4000
Red Sea Palace Hotel 642 8555
Hilton Hotel 659 0000
Radisson Sas Hotel 652 1234
Sheraton Hotel 699 2212
New Kaki Hotel 631 2201
Holiday Inn-Crown plaza Hotel 661 1000
Hotel Sofitel 660 2000
Sharbatly Village 691 0828 

Courier Services

SAB Express Worldwide 663 2666
TNT Worldwide Express 8002442222

Credit Card Providers

American Express 660 5120
Diners Club 652 0020
Now available at all major Banks 


List available at the Embassy upon request.


American Airlines 665 8484
Air France 653 2700
Alitalia 660 0640
British Airways 669 3352
Cathay Pacific 665 1967
Emirates Airlines 665 9405
Saudia 8022 2222 (8 digits)
Lufthansa 665 0000
KLM 667 0888
PIA 644 7644 


Continental School 699 0019
Jeddah Preparatory 654 2354


British Consulate 622 5550
Canadian Consulate 653 0434
French Consulate 668 1550
German Consulate 665 3545
Greek Consulate 667 4064
Indian Consulate 652 0112
Italian Consulate 642 1451
Malaysian Consulate 672 7740
United States Consulate 667 0080
Pakistani Consulate 669 2371

More countries have Embassies in Riyadh - see the Useful Contacts - Riyadh page.


Al-Howdaj Limousine 691 1707
Al Shatti Limousine 691 7977
Nawaf Limousine 661 1642 

Car Rental

Everest Rent a Car 669 7277
Key Rent a Car 683 1236
Shary Rent a Car 653 3752